Day 11

After having conversations with a few of my girlfriends, I was inspired to write this blog. All of us are 30 somethings and either are wrestling or have wrestled with pursuing our happiness. There is this unsettling feeling in the pit of our soul that just nags and nags and nags at us waiting for our response.

For me it was more of a rabid pit bull nipping at my heals trying to get me on the right road to becoming centered. I would chase after jobs and approval for that sense of soul satisfaction. I even attempted to find sweet relief in my relationships to no avail.

The only panacea that is currently working is found within myself. As I seek a deeper and more intimate relationship with God and myself, the sea of obstacles begin to part.  What I can do becomes what I am doing.  This centering of myself provides clarity and bold courage. I am settled in the confidence of what I do not know.

I have harnessed that uncomfortable energy into action and the results are more than desirable, they are contagious. My moves are bold and even unsettling to some, however I am undaunted. Any fear that surfaces I master and exploit its energy. I  can almost liken its feeling to that of a big cat in the jungle hunting for prey.

I once read about what fear’s real purpose in our bodies is.  It produces the “fight or flight response” in us. Fear is not meant to paralyze us, but to evoke action. It is a survival mechanism. The body responds in kind. Your muscles respond, adrenaline increases and your senses jump to new levels. All of this is hardwired into our sense of self preservation.

So why are we spiritually paralyzed. Our bodies are sending the signal that we are in danger of forfeiting a full and purpose filled life full of meaningful relationships and satisfying work. The sos call of our spirit is saying, “we are in danger of spiritually dying silly! Do something!”

My challenge to all of us today is to see the obstacles as opportunities. The unrest is probably God trying to nudge you in the right direction. Take 10 minutes to sit quietly and listen. I am certain you will hear what you need to begin changing the direction of your life. I love you!

Aum Shantih Shantih Shantihi

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. sally
    Jul 22, 2011 @ 14:28:27

    This is my first time reading one of your Blogs and let me teel you…I have always knwon you to be a woman of depth and understanding, someone that i can depend on when it comes to words of wisdom but i have to say, you have really lifted my spirit. Keep them coming and i will keep reading.
    Love u,


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